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Frequently asked  questions

Q: I've been evicted by a previous landlord. Can I still rent from you?

A: No.  We do not accept tenants with a history of evictions from other properties.

Q: Am I allowed to have a pet?

A: Pets are permitted at some of our properties, but not all of  them.  Please talk to you leasing agent or property manager about the pet policy at your property.

Q: Can I use my security deposit as my last rent payment?

A: No. Your security deposit is used to cover any damages that may have happened during your tenancy.  It cannot be used for your final payment.

Q: What do I need to do before I move in?

A: After you have been approved to rent your unit, you need to thoroughly read, agree to and sign a lease agreement and any other documents that may be required.  You also want to make sure that you have summited funds to cover the security deposit, pet deposit, (if applicable) and have paid the first months rent.  You immediately need to make arrangements to turn on or transfer all utilities to your name.  You will be given instructions on how to do this as well as contact numbers for utility companies.

Q: Who do I contact for a repair?

A: In order to receive the fastest service regarding a repair, please fill out the Request Maintenance form on our website.  You are also welcome to follow up with a phone call to our office at 903-742-8024.


Q: What is considered an emergency repair?


A: An after-hours emergency call should be made anytime the structure of the property is jeopardized or there is a danger to the occupant.  Such circumstances include fire, an active water leak, or flooding that is not controlled by turning off the supply valves, loss of heat when temperatures are bellow 50 degrees, no electricity (not area related), damaged roof or structure damage from a fallen tree.  Lack of air conditioning is not considered an emergency.


Q: How do I get my security deposit back?


A: Security deposits are placed in escrow for your account.  You can expect to get a full return of the deposit if your account is not in arrears, no damages are assessed by the check-out inspector, and all final utility bills have been paid.  If you wish to expedite the return of your deposit, get proof from the utility companies that your bills have been paid through your last day of occupancy, and your account is closed.  These statements need to go to our office.  Leaving the house or apartment in the same condition it was in at the time of your move-in and not having violated terms of your lease agreement are important factors in determining how much if any of your security deposit will be refunded.


Q: I have guests visiting me for awhile, should I let Rusk Rentals know?


A: If the guests are planning to be at the property for longer than 14 consecutive days, then you will need to notify us.  This is so there is no confusion as to who is living at the property and who is just visiting.  

Q: I am going on vacation, is there anything I need to do before I leave the property?

A: If you are going to be gone for a period longer than 14 consecutive days, you will need to notify Rusk Rentals.  This is to ensure there is no confusion between you being on vacation and possible abandonment of the property.  Please leave your heat/AC as you normally would during the particular season.  If a pipe freezes due to heat not being on in the rental unit, then the tenant is held responsible for any damages.

Q: How do I prepare for winter?

A: You should be sure that any exterior exposed water lines are insulated and faucets or hose bibs are wrapped.  If a severe freeze is expected, you should leave interior faucets open and dripping.

Q: How do I pay rent?

A: All rent payments are to be made at 385 N. Main St. in Rusk, Texas.  Make checks or money orders payable to Jerry Thompson.  Payments may be made here Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. on Saturday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and on Sunday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.  It is very important that you get a receipt for payment and that your name and property address is on the receipt.  If payments are mailed, they should be address to P.O. Box 156 Rusk, Texas  75785.  Mail only checks or money orders and indicate property address on the payment.  Never mail cash.

Q: What happens if I pay rent late?

A: Rent payments are due on the 1st of the month.  If we do not have payment in our offices by the 5th of the month, you will be assessed a late fee of $20.00 plus $5.00 per day for each additional day that rent is late.  On the 15th, if rent has not been paid, you will be served a 3-day "Pay or Quit Notice" and you will be assessed fees for that as well. We would much rather you communicate with us on when you can get the rent to us so that we can work with you.  If you know that your rent is going to be late, please contact us.  All rent payments are to be made at 385 N. Main St. in Rusk, Texas.  Payments may be made here Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. on Saturday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and on Sunday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.  It is very important that you get a receipt for payment and that your name and property address is on the receipt.  If payments are mailed, they should be address to P.O. Box 156 Rusk, Texas  75785.  Mail only checks or money orders and indicate property address on the payment.  Never mail cash.

Q: Should I invest in renters insurance?

A: This is entirely up to you but keep in mind that it is your responsibility to insure your personal belongings.  

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